The Domino Method of Nonlinear Integer/Continuous/Discrete Programming Seeking To Solve Case 5 of Broyden’s Tridiagonal Simultaneous Equations

Jsun Yui Wong

The following computer program seeks to solve Broyden’s Case 5 [1, p. 587–Case 5; p. 590–Table 5]. See also page 23 of La Cruz, Martinez, and Raydan [7, p. 23, Test function 11, Broyden Tridiagonal function]– –and page 7 of Cao [3, p. 7]– Here alpha=-0.1, beta=1, and n=50.

4 DIM X(32768), A(32768), L(32768), K(32768), P(999)
5 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO 32000


16 M = -1D+50

91 FOR KK = 1 TO 50

94 A(KK) = -RND


128 FOR I = 1 TO 20000000 STEP 1

129 FOR K = 1 TO 50

131 X(K) = A(K)
132 NEXT K

155 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 3)
181 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 50)

183 R = (1 – RND * 2) * A(B)

187 IF RND < .25 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND * R ELSE IF RND < .333 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND ^ 4 * R ELSE IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND ^ 7 * R ELSE IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = FIX(A(B)) ELSE X(B) = FIX(A(B)) + 1

555 X(2) = ((3 – .1 * X(1)) * X(1) + 1) / 2

605 FOR J44 = 2 TO 49
609 X(J44 + 1) = (-X(J44 – 1) + (3 – .1 * X(J44)) * X(J44) + 1) / 2
611 NEXT J44
651 FOR J47 = 1 TO 50
666 IF ABS(X(J47)) > 10 THEN 1670

688 NEXT J47
699 PZ = -X(49) + (3 – .1 * X(50)) * X(50) + 1
999 P = -ABS(PZ)

1451 IF P <= M THEN 1670
1657 FOR KEW = 1 TO 50
1658 A(KEW) = X(KEW)
1661 M = P
1666 REM PRINT A(1), A(2), A(50), M, JJJJ
1668 IF M > -.000001 THEN 1912
1670 NEXT I
1890 REM IF M < -.1 THEN 1999

1912 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3)

1946 PRINT A(48), A(49), A(50)



This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [15]. Copied by hand from the screen, the computer program’s complete output through JJJJ= -31997 is shown below.

-2.046688469543995       -2.77947938888421       -3.032150132215925
-1.933355399713024       -1.436534562035508       -.7913057205928774
-9.259125746119423D-07          -32000

9.083920214236214       9.999999998423855       5.95803989209382
3.162278049833678       3.162277420106777       3.162277181157467
-6.324554426318701          -31999

-2.046688469543996       -2.779479388884212       -3.032150132215928
-1.933355522512882       -1.436534725309781       -.7913059275592724
-4.355329195071533D-07          -31998

-2.046688469543996       -2.779479388884212       -3.032150132215928
-1.933355522512882       -1.436534725309781       -.7913059275592724
-4.355329195071533D-07          -31997

Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the screen.

Of the 50 unknowns, only the six A’s of line 1912 and line 1946 are shown above.

On a personal computer with a Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz, 2.50 GHz, 960 MB of RAM and with qb64v1000-win [15], the wall-clock time for obtaining the output through JJJJ= -31997 was three minutes.


I would like to acknowledge the encouragement of Roberta Clark and Tom Clark.


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